Join Us
Chapter Leads
Want to support I-CREATE YOUTH’s vision to empower disabled youth through language? Want to gain leadership experience and a network of like-minded youth in your area?
Join us as a chapter lead in your geographic region and bring ICY's initiatives to your corner of the world!

Core Team Leads
Rather than having fixed roles like finance director, outreach director, etc., I-CREATE YOUTH welcomes core team members who will lead one (or multiple) project(s) in their entirety. If you want to lead a project and gain a broad range of experiences from social media marketing to content creation, consider joining ICY! The time commitment is however long your project will be, typically a few weeks to a few months.
For example, if you'd like to lead the fellowship program, you'll be a Fellowship Program Director and you'll take charge of everything from accepting applications to communicating with members through email.
General Team

All youths aged 13-22 are welcome to join our general team. Offered positions include AMBASSADORS, CREATIVE WRITERS, and VOLUNTEERS. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. All positions are voluntary and do not require heavy commitment, ranging from a 1-2hrs a month to a few hours per year.
Network with like-minded youth across the world
Earn service hours & resume experience
Access our resources and opportunities
Make a difference to disabled students